Register to vote!
Here's the link to Sec. of State site in Ohio!
Voter Registration Forms, Absentee ballot forms
YES, you must print out and MAIL IN all requests, in plenty of time.
YES, you can't just fill in a form online, you must MAIL IN REGISTRATION FORMS, and ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUESTS
Send them in with plenty of time! They passed additional laws forcing you to request a form, they won't just mail anything to you unless you request it specifically, by mail, or dropped off.
National Link to Register/Request absentee ballot
Voter Information-Ohio (click to open link)
Absentee Voting-Ohio (click to open link)
Check your registration status (Ohio)
You can request an absentee ballot in Ohio for any/no reason. However you MUST mail in your application. Get the form fill it out and mail in with plenty of time to receive your ballot, fill it out, and return (by mail or in person) in time to meet the legal requirements. Some have suggested you should deliver your ballot in person, due to attempts to suppress voting by hobbling the postal service. In any case, give plenty of time for your ballot to be received on time to be counted.
You may search for -Board of Elections [state] [county]- to find where to drop off your ballot.